Anti war activist David Solnit presents the three pillars that support the Iraq war: Recruitment of more troops, contractors and fighters, the corporations profiting from the war, and the prevalent media disinformation in the US corporate mainstream news. Dahr and David use the pillars to discuss what Dahr has witnessed in Iraq and what we
Dahr Jamail Speaks in San Francisco
Dahr’s talk at New College was days after his recent return from Iraq and was the beginning of a lecture tour throughout the United States. If you did not have a chance to see one of Dahr’s dozens of US lectures, here is one lecture — in its entirety — produced by the students of
Video Available: Testimonies from Falluja
PepperSpray Productions announces a new 33 min video produced in Iraq by independent Iraqi videographers. Dahr Jamail does the English voice-over and is assisting with the video’s dissemination in the US. “Testimonies From Falluja” contains photos and footage from the US assault on Falluja, as well as interviews with Iraqi survivors and refugees. The US