n this 17 minute interview on Crossing The Line, Christopher Brown speaks with Dahr Jamail, an independent, award-winning journalist about the ongoing war in Iraq and the broader implications the conflict has on Palestine and the region in general. Christopher Brown is an independent grassroots journalist living in San Francisco, CA. He has lived in
Dahr Jamail and Peter Philips of Project Censored speak in San Francisco
In this high quality 54 minute audio file, Dahr Jamail gives an update on the situation in Iraq. Among many topics, Dahr talks specifically about the US involvement in the death squads and the sectarian violence in Iraq. Dahr also provides details on the enormity of the US Embassy and the military bases in Iraq;
U.S. Army Tries to Force Sarah Olson and Dahr Jamail to Testify Against Ehren Watada
Lt. Ehren Watada, for those who don’t already know, became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to the unlawful war and occupation in Iraq. While doing this on June 22, 2006, Watada said, “As the order to take part in an illegal act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must refuse that order.”
Dori Smith interviews Dahr Jamail
In this half hour interview, journalist Dahr Jamail speaks about the reality of the Iraq Study Group Report and what is going on in Iraq today: US support for death squad militias, US air attacks, and the steady intensification of the violence. If US forces withdrew there may be a potential for the Iraqis to
NPR interviews Dahr Jamail on State of Iraq Hospitals
The five minute interview with Michelle Norris is a good one. However, if the NPR show were true to its title, “All Things Considered” should have also considered the much larger role that the US has had in interfering with health care in Iraq, rather than focusing on the so called sectarian strife as responsible
Dahr Jamail Reports from Beruit. Talks with David Barsamian of Alternative Radio
In this interview, David Barsamian, of Alternative Radio, talks with Dahr from Beirut. Dahr candidly relates what he has seen and experienced in Lebanon during the Israeli assault. A great conversation regarding the situation in Lebanon between two established independent journalists. MP3 Download
Dahr Jamail Reports from Beruit During the Israeli Attack of Lebanon
Dahr Jamail speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! Dahr provides a description of Beruit the day after he arrives. He describes the bombing and the anger of the Lebanese both at the Israelis and the US. MP3 Download
Another Cover-Up? U.S. Troops Kill Two Iraqi Women, One of Them Pregnant, in Samarra
Dahr Jamail speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now regarding the killings On May 30th, US troops shot and killed two Iraqi women — one of whom was pregnant. Nabiha Nisaif Jassim and her cousin Saliha Mohammed Hassan were in a car going to Samarra General hospital where Nabiha was about to give birth. Democracy
Dahr Jamail Speaks About the Haditha Massacre on Democracy Now!
An internal military investigation has found that U.S. marines killed as many as 24 Iraqis – including women and children – in the city of Haditha on November 19, 2005 and then tried to cover it up. In this video, Amy Goodman speaks with: an attorney and researcher at Human Rights Watch, independent journalist Dahr
Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill LIVE from Sacramento
“No president in the history of this country has waged a bloodier war on journalism and journalists than the regime of George W Bush.” – Jeremy Scahill March 14, 2006 Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill in a gripping lecture that they gave together in Sacramento, CA on March 14, 2006. Some of the highlights include