A FUNDRAISER FOR IRAQI CIVILIANS Victims of combat operations in Iraq ConceptionMedia presents: A Joint Production of Iraqi & American Filmmakers CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE THE UNTOLD STORY OF FALLUJA ON SALE NOW Proceeds go to ongoing relief efforts in Iraq See the trailer and purchase the DVD: Here
“Elections” and other Deceptions in Iraq
Just before Saturday’s so-called constitutional referendum vote in occupied Iraq, one of my close friends in Baghdad wrote me, “I would like to point out that we are three days away from the referendum, yet very large sectors of Iraqi people couldn’t receive part of the five million copies [of the constitution] from the UN,
“Elections” and other Deceptions in Iraq
Just before Saturday’s so-called constitutional referendum vote in occupied Iraq, one of my close friends in Baghdad wrote me, “I would like to point out that we are three days away from the referendum, yet very large sectors of Iraqi people couldn’t receive part of the five million copies [of the constitution] from the UN,
Open Letter to Amnesty International on the Iraqi Constitution
The following letter was composed by members of the Brussels Tribunal, one of the groups from the World Tribunal on Iraq. For those interested in international law and the upcoming referendum vote on the Iraqi constitution, this is a must read: We would like to congratulate Amnesty International on its courageous stand against the massive
Securitizing the Global Norm of Identity: Biometric Technologies in Domestic and Foreign Policy
In a recent dispatch I mentioned a report from journalist Doug Ireland which stated British journalist Robert Fisk was denied entry into the US. Upon further investigation, it appears that he was not turned away due to the content of his reporting; thus I would like to make that correction here. The following is from
More Dissent, More Censorship
A quarter of a million people jammed the streets of the capital this past weekend, as Mr. Bush conveniently found himself visiting the US Northern Command’s HQ in Colorado Springs. While veterans from the current debacle in Iraq and scores of military families who oppose the Bush Junta joined the throngs of protestors in Washington
Project Censored cites Dahr Jamail in the #2 and #7 biggest stories the mainstream media ignored
Project Censored is a media research group that tracks the news published in independent journals and newsletters and annually compiles a list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country’s major national news media. The list is published in an annual book. This year’s book entitled
Securitizing the Global Norm of Identity: Biometric Technologies in Domestic and Foreign Policy
Pablo Picasso. Guernica, 1937. Securitizing the Global Norm of Identity: Biometric Technologies in Domestic and Foreign Policy For presentation at Global Norms Under Siege: Non-Intervention, Human Rights, and Abstention from Torture, 20 May 2005, Queen’s University Belfast, N. Ireland.
Meanwhile, in Iraq…
For the last several days at least 6,000 US soldiers along with approximately 4,000 Iraqi soldiers (Read-members of the Kurdish Peshmerga and Shia Badr Army) were laying siege to the city of Tal-Afar, near Mosul in northern Iraq. It is estimated that 90% of the residents have left their homes because of the violence and
Two “Green Zones”
As the US-backed Iraqi puppet government flails about arguing over the so-called constitution, Iraq remains in a state of complete anarchy. There is no government control whatsoever, even inside the infamous “Green Zone” where the puppets seem to have tangled their strings. Why the harsh tone for the conflagrations of the so-called Iraqi government? Because