You can always spot them a mile away-he was white, middle-aged, overweight, hair cut close to hide the pattern baldness, red face, wearing a Harley Davidson motorcycle t-shirt and shorts. All of the aforementioned is acceptable in the Middle East, of course, minus the shorts. Aside from a few places like Beirut, wearing shorts in
“This is going to be a big war.”
You can always spot them a mile away-he was white, middle-aged, overweight, hair cut close to hide the pattern baldness, red face, wearing a Harley Davidson motorcycle t-shirt and shorts. All of the aforementioned is acceptable in the Middle East, of course, minus the shorts. Aside from a few places like Beirut, wearing shorts in
Another Cover-Up? U.S. Troops Kill Two Iraqi Women, One of Them Pregnant, in Samarra
Dahr Jamail speaks with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now regarding the killings On May 30th, US troops shot and killed two Iraqi women — one of whom was pregnant. Nabiha Nisaif Jassim and her cousin Saliha Mohammed Hassan were in a car going to Samarra General hospital where Nabiha was about to give birth. Democracy
Civilian Slaughter Update
On Tuesday, May 30 Truthout published my article “Countles My Lai Massacres in Iraq.” Here are a couple of recent pieces of information to augment that story. Today the AP has just released this story: 2 Iraqi women killed by coalition troops
Dahr Jamail Speaks About the Haditha Massacre on Democracy Now!
An internal military investigation has found that U.S. marines killed as many as 24 Iraqis – including women and children – in the city of Haditha on November 19, 2005 and then tried to cover it up. In this video, Amy Goodman speaks with: an attorney and researcher at Human Rights Watch, independent journalist Dahr
Amendment on Video Link
I recently sent out a brief email announcement that included a link to a filmed interview with Jesse MacBeth. Upon further investigation, I found more questions than answers about the personal history of Mr. MacBeth. I therefore removed the posting of the email with the link from my website. never hosted the video interview
Independent Intervention
An Award-winning Documentary about the US Media coverage of the war in Iraq INDEPENDENT INTERVENTION shows how a Norwegian filmmaker in the United States questions the US media coverage of the war in Iraq. The film investigates important issues that govern today’s information flow, and looks at how this system reveals itself during times of
Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill LIVE from Sacramento
“No president in the history of this country has waged a bloodier war on journalism and journalists than the regime of George W Bush.” – Jeremy Scahill March 14, 2006 Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill in a gripping lecture that they gave together in Sacramento, CA on March 14, 2006. Some of the highlights include
Correction to “Negroponte’s ‘Serious Setback'” Story
In my recent posting of a piece entitled “Negroponte’s ‘Serious Setback’” which I wrote for, I wrote a somewhat misleading parallel between US missionaries in Honduras and the Christian Peacemaker Team in Iraq. I wrote: “Victims also included US missionaries (similar to Christian Peacemaker Teams in Iraq) who happened to witness many of the