Dahr Jamail: Beyond the Green Zone by JEREMY SCAHILL [posted online on February 8, 2008] EDITOR’S NOTE: Dahr Jamail has spent more time reporting from Iraq than almost any other US journalist. His new book, Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq, is a chronicle of his experiences there. He
Beyond the Green Zone #3 Alternet Best Progessive Books / #1 Staff Pick at Powell’s Books
Alternet Best Progressive Books of 2007 Book experts, AlterNet staff and readers weighed in. Here are the groundbreakers that stood out from the crowd. By Don Hazen, AlterNet 1. The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein 2. Blackwater by Jeremy Scahill 3. Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq by Dahr
Beyond the Green Zone on CSPAN’s Book TV
BookTV on CSPAN2 presents: Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq
Beyond the Green Zone at Tom’s Review of Books
“Don’t miss Dahr Jamail’s first book, Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq — and, while you’re reading it, think of us as the invading Martians. I hardly need to extol Jamail to Tomdispatch readers, but his book offers a remarkably fresh glimpse at what those “Martians” looked like and
The Patriot: Truthout Reviews Dahr Jamail’s “Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches From an Unembedded Reporter in Occupied Iraq,” with author Interview
By Leslie Thatcher t r u t h o u t | Book Review We were a minority, but still, there were many of us to whom it was as plain as the nose on our own face, in the fall of 2002 when the great “marketing campaign” for the Iraq war was rolled out,
Vancouver Book Tour Appearance
Videos of the Beyond the Green Zone book tour talk, recorded December 8, 2007 by Pasifik.ca at the Vancouver, British Columbia Planetarium. Presented in 3 parts. This excellent, full-length video (58 minutes) was professionally filmed and edited.
The Sydney Morning Herald Reviews Beyond the Green Zone
Beyond the Green Zone The Sydney Morning Herald Antony Loewenstein, reviewer December 14, 2007 A grim picture of young American soldiers acting violently against an often-invisible threat. Author: Dahr Jamail Genre: Society/Politics Publisher: Haymarket Books Pages: 313 RRP: $39.95 Nearly five years since the start of the Iraq war, we still know remarkably little about
Jamail Receives Callaway Award
The Eighteenth Annual Joe A. Callaway Award for Civic Courage Presented to Dahr Jamail Journalist, embedded in the truth In recognition of his courageous decision to report the real stories of the Iraqi people under United States invasion and then occupation; his unique ability to cover “sustained atrocities,” a reportage that leaves indelible marks on
Beyond the Green Zone; excerpt of introduction at Foreign Policy in Focus
Editor: Erik Leaver Foreign Policy In Focus Editors Note: The following is an excerpt from the introduction to Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq (Haymarket Books, 2007).
BOOKS-US/IRAQ: Outrage in a Time of Apathy
Inter Press Service By Aaron Glantz* SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 13 (IPS) – Unlike most U.S. journalists who went to Iraq to cover a war, Dahr Jamail went to try to stop it. In his new book, “Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq”, Jamail writes of volunteering as a rescue