It’s coming apart at the seams now in Iraq. We saw on the news today that members of the Mehdi Army in the south, the militia of Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, exchanged gunfire with members of the ING (Iraqi National Guard) who in the south are primarily, if not entirely composed of members of the
“Democracy” in Iraq
I neither read nor listen to corporate media drivel concerning Iraq…but today I wonder what they could possibly be saying to justify the failed occupation of Iraq on this horrible day. I also wonder how people in America have yet to take the appropriate action necessary in order to force their government to impeach Bush
A “Welcome Parade” of Blood and Seething Anger
As if to add insult to injury, with over 400 Iraqis killed in violence during the first two weeks of the newly sworn in Iraqi “government,” US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice made a surprise one day visit to the newest US colony. After visiting northern Iraq which has been spared the brunt of the
Amman, Iraq, and Al-Qaim
It feels uncomfortable writing about Iraq from Amman…but my close friends, Abu Talat (my close friend and interpreter) and intuition have all provided the same message-do not go inside Iraq at this time. So I’ve been in Amman now for about a week, and will resume posting stories from here soon. We’ve been working on
Amy Goodman In Conversation with Dahr on Democracy Now!
April 28, 2005 – Amy Goodman Interviews Dahr Jamail about Iraq in the Democracy Now! firehouse studio. This 20 minute interview is an excellent summary of the situation in Iraq through independent reporter Dahr Jamail’s eyes. Amy talks with Dahr about his perspective on the Abu Gharib prison abuse scandal and the torture that is
Eyewitness in Iraq: Dahr Jamail, an Unembedded Report
A Pepperspray Production, 28 minutes Dahr Jamail recognized that Americans were being misled about the US occupation of Iraq, so he went to Iraq to find the truth. After being unembedded in Iraq totaling over 8 months, he returned to the States to tell what he discovered. In this video Dahr Jamail speaks of the
Dahr Jamail Speaks in San Francisco
Dahr’s talk at New College was days after his recent return from Iraq and was the beginning of a lecture tour throughout the United States. If you did not have a chance to see one of Dahr’s dozens of US lectures, here is one lecture — in its entirety — produced by the students of
Video Available: Testimonies from Falluja
PepperSpray Productions announces a new 33 min video produced in Iraq by independent Iraqi videographers. Dahr Jamail does the English voice-over and is assisting with the video’s dissemination in the US. “Testimonies From Falluja” contains photos and footage from the US assault on Falluja, as well as interviews with Iraqi survivors and refugees. The US