Jair Bolsonaro has worked at breakneck speed to eliminate environmental regulations. Read the story here.
Living in Two Worlds: Capitalism Pretends All Is Well While the World Is Burning
Global capitalism demands we pretend all is well, while climate and political realities already reveal the end game we are living in. The U.S. government, along with many others in the western world, has lurched into overt authoritarianism, while climate chaos accelerates at a breakneck pace. How do we live in both worlds? In this
In my fourth interview with Truthout staff reporter, climate journalist, and author Dahr Jamail, we discuss some of the most dramatic and recent examples of abrupt climate disruption in recent months, how these accelerating changes are manifesting across human communities and political institutions across the planet, and how these changes are forever altering the natural
Eventually, We Will All Be Climate Refugees
Suffice it to say, all of us now, if we live long enough, are likely to become climate refugees at some point … whether it be from lack of food and water, rising seas, wildfires, smoke, or extreme weather events. For many, their time as climate refugees has already begun. Read the full story on
On Listening to the Earth
This essay is part of our July 2019 Uncertain Future Forum on the topic: “If collapse is imminent, how do we respond?” It is a response to the essays that were posted in the first week, July 15-18. We invite you to comment below, and to read the other essays here. Read Dahr’s essay here.
Dancing with Grief
From July 15th through July 26th, we are pleased to host Post Carbon Institute’s first Uncertain Future Forum—an essay conversation on timely, controversial, under-exposed topics related to humanity’s sustainability predicament. This Forum’s topic is:If collapse is imminent, how do we respond? Click here to read the full essay.
Interview on Democracy Now about Climate Catastrophe
Watch the full interview here, along with the follow-up web exclusive interview, “Who is the DNC Loyal to?”, here.
Resistance Radio Interview with Derrick Jensen
Progressive Radio Network, interviewed by Derrick Jensen on his show, Resistance Radio. Listen to the interview here.
Over One-Tenth of Global Population Could Lack Drinking Water by 2030
As civilization faces existential threats, Trump is trying to end long-term climate studies. Read the full story at Truthout.
An epistolary exploration of art’s moral responsibilities “In the era of not yet, barely daring to guess of how soon,” wrote Welsh-British writer Horatio Clare about the melting sea ice, the planet’s air conditioner, in his book Icebreaker, published less then two years ago. Now the scientists dare to guess, and red lights on the control