Category: Iraq

Total 448 Posts

The New ‘Forgotten’ War

Iraq occupation falls into media shadows   “The Western world that slaughtered Iraq and Iraqis, through 13 years of sanctions and seven years of occupation, is now turning its back on the victims. What has remained of Iraq is still being devastated by bombings, assassinations, corruption, millions of evictions and continued infrastructure destruction. Yet the

Women Miss Saddam

BAGHDAD – Under Saddam Hussein, women in government got a year’s maternity leave; that is now cut to six months. Under the Personal Status Law in force since Jul. 14, 1958, when Iraqis overthrew the British-installed monarchy, Iraqi women had most of the rights that Western women do. Now they have Article 2 of the

Dahr Discusses Fallujah Birth Defects on Riz Khan Show

httpv:// From the intro: Doctors in the Iraqi city of Falluja are handling up to 15 times as many birth defects as they were one year ago. The chronic deformities include multiple tumours, heart problems, nervous system anomalies and eye deficiencies. Residents of the city blame the surge in chronic deformities on controversial weapons used by US

When Scholars Join the Slaughter

A core tenet of the Obama administration’s plans for “victory” in Iraq and Afghanistan is an increased reliance on counterinsurgency. As previously reported on this web site, the US military has sent shock troops – anthropologists, sociologists and social psychologists – with their own troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan, who also donned helmets and