Category: Iraq

Total 448 Posts

Seven Years After Sieges, Fallujah Struggles

With their city largely destroyed by two US military assaults, residents of Fallujah continue to suffer. Fallujah, Iraq – Fallujah still bears the scars of war; skeletons continue to be pulled from the rubble of bombed buildings, and, worse, rates of birth defects and childhood malformations have skyrocketed. There is evidence of reconstruction, but shortages

No Relief for Iraqi Doctors

As thousands of doctors leave Iraq, those who remain to heal the sick say they need more security and less corruption. “The hospital is crowded, the medical staff are overloaded, and we are deficient of medical staff because doctors continue to leave Iraq,” Dr Yehiyah Karim, a general surgeon at Baghdad Medical City, told Al

Iraq Election Sets Off New Political Tussle

BAGHDAD – The March elections have only deepened political divisions, and brought more violence. Violent incidents come now amid tensions fueled by post-election arrests of victorious MPs, and disputes over vote fraud. Incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has successfully appealed to the Supreme Court to disqualify more than 50 candidates on the opposition list, accusing

Iraq War Vet: “We Were Told to Just Shoot People, and the Officers Would Take Care of Us”

On Monday, April 5, posted video footage from Iraq, taken from a US military Apache helicopter in July 2007 as soldiers aboard it killed 12 people and wounded two children. The dead included two employees of the Reuters news agency: photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen and driver Saeed Chmagh. The US military confirmed the authenticity of

Cultural Cleansing in Iraq: Why Museums Were Looted, Libraries Burned and Academics Murdered

1 April 2010 Battle to destroy hearts and minds The dismantling of Iraqi intellectual life may have been a deliberate strategy, Roger Matthews learns (Dahr Jamail contributed a chapter to this book.) I first went to Iraq in 1984 to work on archaeological excavations near Mosul. Our workers were Yezidis from the neighbouring villages and

Operation Enduring Occupation

Plain Speak The 2008 National Defense Strategy reads: US interests include protecting the nation and our allies from attack or coercion, promoting international security to reduce conflict and foster economic growth, and securing the global commons and with them access to world markets and resources. To pursue these interests, the US has developed military capabilities