BAGHDAD — A military victory for U.S. forces in Fallujah seems set to lead to a huge political loss for the U.S.-backed interim Iraqi government. Strong anti-government reactions have set in already as reports come in from Fallujah of bombed hospitals, high civilians casualties and denial of access to medical care. The political fallout could
Economy Hurting More Than Violence
BAGHDAD, Nov 9 (IPS) – Violence is taking a heavy toll in Iraq, but everyday economic difficulties could be hurting people more. Nearly 20 months into the occupation, Iraqis find themselves in a desperate situation, with countless struggling to survive.
Video Available: Testimonies from Falluja
PepperSpray Productions announces a new 33 min video produced in Iraq by independent Iraqi videographers. Dahr Jamail does the English voice-over and is assisting with the video’s dissemination in the US. “Testimonies From Falluja” contains photos and footage from the US assault on Falluja, as well as interviews with Iraqi survivors and refugees. The US
Resistance over Fallujah Builds Up in Baghdad
BAGHDAD — The anger building up in Baghdad over the imminent attack on Fallujah is a warning that U.S. forces could start off more than they can handle. The sharp increase in attacks on U..S. and allied forces has been only the most violent form of rising hostility. But it is not an extremist few