BAGHDAD — The Iraqi ministry of health is failing to provide enough support to hundreds of thousands who fled Fallujah. Doctors in Baghdad are perplexed why there has been little or no assistance from the health ministry to residents or refugees.
International weapons conventions in Iran, Iraq
A word on differing standards of accountability to international agreements. In hundreds of articles over the past few weeks, our press has tirelessly reported on Iran’s uranium enrichment program, or rather—in characteristic shorthand—on “Iran’s efforts to develop the capability to make nuclear weapons” (Foreign Affairs, 11/24). Early on the morning of the November 29th, however,
Occupier of a Prime Minister’s Chair
BAGHDAD — The prime minister is following in the footsteps of the last president. The rule of Ayad Allawi, the U.S. appointed interim prime minister of Iraq, is now more in the style of the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein than a leader of a supposedly democratic state. Most Iraqis had celebrated the overthrow of the
Inside Fallujah: one family’s diary of terror
Last week the US launched a major offensive on Fallujah using heavy artillery, bulldozers and tanks. The target was insurgents, but here one family reveals the horror of being caught in the conflict.
As U.S. Forces Raided a Mosque
BAGHDAD — An eyewitness commentary to IPS through a U.S. raid on a Baghdad mosque Friday gives a vivid picture of what a ‘successful raid’ can be like. U.S. soldiers raided the Abu Hanifa mosque in Baghdad during Friday prayers, killing at least four and wounding up to 20 worshippers.
Media Repression in ‘Liberated’ Land
BAGHDAD — Journalists are increasingly being detained and threatened by the U.S.-installed interim government in Iraq. Media have been stopped particularly from covering recent horrific events in Fallujah. The “100 Orders” penned by former U.S. administrator in Iraq L. Paul Bremer include Order 65 passed March 20 to establish an Iraqi communications and media commission.
The Iraqi Resistance Spreads
While the US military says it now controls Fallujah and is simply “mopping up” what is left of the Iraqi resistance, over 400 soldiers wounded in the fighting have been flown out of Iraq to US air bases in Germany. As giant C-141 transport planes carrying wounded and maimed American soldiers roar over the Iraqi
800 Civilians Feared Dead in Fallujah
BAGHDAD — At least 800 civilians have been killed during the U.S. military siege of Fallujah, a Red Cross official estimates. Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of U.S. military reprisal, a high-ranking official with the Red Cross in Baghdad told IPS that ”at least 800 civilians” have been killed in Fallujah so far.
The Other Face of U.S. ‘Success’ in Fallujah
BAGHDAD — Everyone saw it coming, only the U.S. forces did not: humanitarian disaster in Fallujah, and stronger resistance against U.S. and allied occupying forces all around Iraq. The real face of the ‘success’ of the U.S. military assault in Fallujah is now beginning to present itself. Thousands of families remain trapped inside Fallujah with
Iraqi Critics Speak Out on Occupation, Elections
On questions about the future of Iraq, the voices marginalized most in the Western press are those of Iraqis outside elite political circles. Dahr Jamail asks important questions of important people: the Iraqi public.